Introducing Canny

· 2 min read
Introducing Canny

Growth is driven by the value you provide your users. Understanding their needs prepares you to deliver more value. This is why listening to user feedback is crucial to being successful.

This can be a daunting task, especially as you scale. How do you keep track of who wants what? How do you encourage more feedback, without it becoming overwhelming?

These problems are what inspired us to build Canny, a simple way for your team to stay on top of user feedback.

How it works

So many companies still collect feedback via email, live chat, or Zendesk tickets. Imagine the time it takes to process hundreds of conversations and respond to hundreds of emails. Canny helps you stay on top of user feedback while spending your time valuably instead.

Ask your users a simple question like “Which features should we build?”

Check back later, and voilà:

This is a screenshot of our customer Kitsu’s feature requests board.

A board is a place where your users can post and vote on ideas for a specific topic (eg. feature requests). Other popular topics include bug reports, blog topics, and FAQs. Boards can be public or private — some teams use boards to keep track of feedback internally.

You can follow up with comments or change the status of a post to “in-progress” or “complete”. The beauty is that only the people who voted on the post get notified.

This keeps your users in the loop and lets them know you’re listening. They’ll love you for that.

Make informed product decisions

We aren’t trying to automate product management. Just because your users ask for something doesn’t mean you should build it. You still need to decide which features align with your mission and key metrics. Feedback helps you be more informed in this process.

Canny was designed to help your team answer questions like:

  • What are the top 5 most requested features?
  • Which customers care about feature X?
  • Coming Soon: What do paying customer want most? (via segment filters)

Without answering these questions, how can you be confident in your product decisions?

Building a product without listening to your users is like spelunking without a headlamp. It won’t get you through the cave, but it sure does make the journey easier. 🧀😅

Give Canny a shot

Clearly we love feedback so try it out and let us know what you think.

Andrew Rasmussen

Hi, I'm a co-founder of Canny. Before that, I was a software engineer at Facebook. I love JavaScript, rock climbing, nerding out about the future, and SaaS.

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Canny is a user feedback tool. We help software companies track feedback to build better products.
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