Product Management Glossary

Canny’s big list of product management terms. Check here if you’d like to learn about some key product concepts.

The SaaS revenue roadmap: understanding and leveraging ARR

The SaaS revenue roadmap: understanding and leveraging ARR

Think of ARR as a straightforward way to understand the steady income your business can expect from subscriptions over a year. Let’s explore ARR SaaS metrics more.

What is the software development life cycle?

What is the software development life cycle?

The software development life cycle (SDLC) is a process developers use to create software. It helps align teams, avoid extra costs, and stay on schedule. Let’s explore it.

What is a product? How to successfully build products users love

What is a product? How to successfully build products users love

What is a product? We all use the term “product” every day. But sometimes we mean different things. Let’s explore what a product really is.

Mastering the new product development process

Mastering the new product development process

Explore the essentials of the new product development process. From idea generation to launch, boost your business growth and outpace competition.

What is planning poker and how can it boost your team’s game?

What is planning poker and how can it boost your team’s game?

Ever heard of planning poker? It’s not what you’d play in Vegas, but it’s a game-changer for Agile teams. Sometimes, people refer to it as Scrum poker.

What is Agile sprint planning?

What is Agile sprint planning?

Sprint planning is a critical step in Agile. It helps everyone understand what to work on. Let’s learn more about how it helps product teams succeed.

What is product management?

What is product management?

Have you ever wondered how great products are born? It’s not just about having a brilliant idea. It’s about turning that idea into reality. This is called product management. What is product management? Think of product managers as the bridge between the business side and the

What is the KANO model?

What is the KANO model?

The Kano model helps you figure out which features will satisfy your customers, which will delight them, and which might let them down. Let’s explore this prioritization framework.

Exploring the SMART goal acronym and how to set effective goals

Exploring the SMART goal acronym and how to set effective goals

Unlock success with the SMART goal acronym! Enhance planning, boost productivity and achieve clarity in your project management endeavors.

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