Webinar recap: how to sell more and delight customers through feedback management

· 2 min read
Webinar recap: how to sell more and delight customers through feedback management

On June 22, 2023 we hosted a panel discussion exploring how sales can benefit from feedback management. In case you missed it, we recorded it, and will summarize the key points here. Keep reading to find out how user feedback can boost your sales!

We had the following experts join us:

Here are the key points from this discussion.

  • Feedback comes from many places: customers, marketing, sales, and product teams
  • It helps tailor the sales process and improve the product
  • It also helps both product and sales understand the customers better
  • If you can attach a deal value to a feature request, you can then prioritize feature development with higher revenue impact and align sales and product teams
  • Customer feedback can help you uncover gaps in your product
  • You can also find upsell opportunities when you build the feature a prospect requested in the past
  • Feedback-driven improvements in product features can help prevent customer churn and win back closed lost deals

If you’d like to dive deeper into this topic, watch the full recording here.

Spoiler alert: you’ll hear some really insightful stories and examples, so don’t miss it!

Stay tuned for our next webinar! We’ll be announcing it on our social channels, so make sure to follow us.

Ready to boost your sales with customer feedback management? Canny can help!

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Maria Vasserman

Maria loves all things creative – writing, photography, movies and beyond 🎥 When she's not creating content to tell the world about Canny, she's either photographing a wedding, jumping at a rock concert, camping, travelling, snowboarding, or walking her dog 🐕‍🦺

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Canny is a user feedback tool. We help software companies track feedback to build better products.
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