Analyze your product feedback

Resources are always limited. Identify which features will be most impactful to work on.

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Canny helps you cut through the noise

Analyzing feedback by adding relevant data

Analyze feedback by adding relevant data

Your business is unique. Send data into Canny to better understand where your feedback comes from.

  • Include company data like monthly spend and custom fields relevant to your business
  • Sort posts by MRR impact
  • Build segments specifically tailored to your business
Filter feedback for better data

Focus on analyzing feedback from specific customers

Getting feedback from all of your users is great. However, you may find that the feedback from your most valuable customers is being diluted.

  • Using segments built with custom fields, filter to see feedback from a specific customer segment
  • Filter popular posts by segment to see where votes are coming from
Analyze feedback better by starting a conversation

Investigate feedback further with low effort

Canny keeps track of exactly who requested a feature. Use that to start a conversation and dig deeper.

  • Comment on posts to get more insights—clarify the scope of a feature and potential effort required
  • Use internal comments to take note of additional context from customers
Canny is built for B2B
The best software companies are customer-driven. Join these awesome teams who use customer feedback to build great products.
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