Sales and product should empower each other

A dedicated feedback management tool can help with sales documentation. This helps product teams prioritize high-impact features.

Sales graphic

Canny enables sales to stay in touch with product

Sales teams can keep track of what customers want

Keep track of what your accounts want

Personalization is important in sales. Having proper sales documentation about what your prospect has asked for helps build a more personal relationship.

  • Pull up your accounts to see everything they've voted on
  • Include helpful insights from your accounts about their use case for the product team
  • Help the product team prioritize by showing them which customers are requesting features
Understand what product is working on to close deals

Stay in touch with product updates

It’s easy for new features to go unnoticed. This is a missed opportunity for sales.

  • Use the company changelog to see what's new in your product and entice prospects
  • Check the roadmap to see if customer asks are on the way
  • Stop chasing product managers to get updates on specific features
Powered by some awesome features—check them out!
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Canny is built for B2B
The best software companies are customer-driven. Join these awesome teams who use customer feedback to build great products.
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