Issue tracking

Simplify your bug tracking system

Track and prioritize bug reports wherever users find them. Keep everyone updated as you fix them.

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Your complete bug tracking system

Listen to your customers and action their feedback

Easily capture bugs and feedback

Let users share bug reports in your portal or collect them via our support tool integrations. Instantly prioritize issues as they come in.

Allow users to submit bugs through a customizable form, or through Intercom, Zendesk, Help Scout, or Salesforce.

Keep users updated on bug reports

Create a public bug tracking board and roadmap. Let users see, vote on, and track bugs. Automatically send email updates as you work on fixes.

An email following up to a specific user for a feedpack post marked as complete.

Sync with your project management tool

Connect to project management tools like Jira and ClickUp. Sync bug reports, assign tasks, and automatically update posts.

A private roadmap that tracks and differentiates types of bugs, alongside prioritization options.

Support internal bug tracking and testing

Use our bug tracking tools privately with your team. Control which users can access your board and roadmap. Add internal comments to discuss issues.

A private post with an internal conversation about getting a fix reviewed and out to customers.

Leading companies count on Canny for bug and issue tracking

Don't take our word for it. See how companies like yours are tracking bugs and keeping users happy.

Frequently asked questions

You've got questions. We've got answers.

Set up your bug tracking system

Get started in minutes or schedule a quick demo today.