Author: Maria Vasserman

Why resource optimization is critical for product teams in 2025

Why resource optimization is critical for product teams in 2025

Want to find out how smart product teams are optimizing resources? Then check out this post and learn everything about resource optimization and prioritization.

3 easy ways to break down silos between product and sales orgs

3 easy ways to break down silos between product and sales orgs

When product and sales teams work well together, everyone wins. Product builds what customers actually want and need. Sales follows up with lost leads with product updates. Product improves. Sales close. And customers are happy. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?  In reality, there are often misaligned goals, conflicting

5 steps to learning from churning customers [+churn rate formulas!]

5 steps to learning from churning customers [+churn rate formulas!]

Churn is the number of customers that leave a company. It’s an inevitable part of business. So what can we do if we can’t avoid it? Learn from it and move on.

How feedback management can boost SEO

How feedback management can boost SEO

Did you know that managing user feedback can help boost your search engine optimization (SEO)? You can use the feedback to identify areas for improvement: overall website, content, user experience, and so on. So start tracking feedback today!

Canny 2022 Wrapped

Canny 2022 Wrapped

We’ve decided to highlight some of our amazing clients and their big wins from this year. Helping them excel using customer feedback is what we’re all about.

Product management predictions for 2023

Product management predictions for 2023

Everyone’s drafting up plans for 2023 and, of course, is wondering – what’s to come? Some top product management experts shared their predictions with us. Here’s more!

Meet Canny’s Class of 2022!

Meet Canny’s Class of 2022!

Canny grew a lot in 2022. Not only are we working with more companies than ever, we have also built a ton of new features. To do all of that, we needed to grow our team… a lot. Get to know our new team members in this post.

Canny in Mexico City: Post-retreat reflections [+video!]

Canny in Mexico City: Post-retreat reflections [+video!]

We go on international team retreats twice a year. In this post we share how we organize these retreats, maximize our time together, and foster team building. There’s also a sweet highlights video, so check it out!

Best product management advice from over 20 top product managers

Best product management advice from over 20 top product managers

We get to work with some amazing product leaders at Canny. So, we asked 20 of them to share their best advice for other product managers. See what experts from companies including Sephora, GitLab, and G2 had to say in this post.

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